Our ESD textured anti-fatigue EPA matting has a positive effect on employees with standing work positions.

This tough, durable flooring has a cushioned surface to help reduce stress on the body and provides additional support for production staff in EPA’s who have to endure long periods of standing.

These anti-fatigue, ergonomic, anti-slip, and ESD mats are of supreme quality, durable, and come with a life span of 3-5 years (*use dependent). Perfect for operators who stand during working hours on hard, slippery or cold floors. Our anti-slip, anti-fatigue and ESD safety mats improve the standing comfort by around 50%.

Choose from a range of textured EPA mats, the most elastic and anti-fatigue work mat. This range is made from strong and durable PU, nitrile or EPDM Rubber compounds and retains its permanent elastic shape. It has been designed to meet IEC61340-5-1 standards with Rp 105 – 107 Ohms and Rg 105 – 107 Ohms.

A selection of our antistatic mats can be custom-cut to your specifications. For bespoke matting options, learn more.

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