Antistatic mats are designed to drain static charge from items placed on their surface. They also protect the surface of ESD sensitive devices from wear and tear.  We provide 2 and 3 layer matting, each with different material compositions giving varying levels of protection.

Designed to dissipate static electricity and prevent potential damage caused by electrostatic discharge, these mats offer a reliable grounding solution for your workstation.  They effectively neutralise static charges and prevent damage to sensitive electronic components.

We offer bespoke matting options depending on your needs and applications. These Include:


While the majority of our mats come with studs in all 4 corners as standard, we are able to supply custom stud placements upon request.
ESD matting cut to size


Our antistatic mats can be cut to any specific length or width that is required for your application using our In house Genesis machine. The Genesis machine allows us to use a precision laser and electric knife to ensure we get the right cut every time and shortens lead times for our customers.


Contact an ESD expert

If you are needing assistance with what mats you should be using within your EPA, either use the contact form or call us directly using the number below.

Call us today on:
+44 (0)1473 836200
(lines open 9am – 5pm GMT Mon-Fri)

Enquire now to get the correct Antistatic Mat for you

To order matting with bespoke sizing and features such as studs and custom printing please fill out the form below.

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