Antistatic Bags, Articles, News

Protect your electronics with our Pink Antistatic Bags

Antistatic Packaging

Antistatic Packaging – Understanding the benefits of ESD prevention.

Using antistatic packaging within an Electrostatic Protected Area (EPA) reduces the risk of Electrostatic Discharge (ESD) events which can cause damage to sensitive components.  

Damage is often unnoticed until it’s too late and sometimes only becomes apparent when items are inspected under a microscope or during assembly testing, wasting precious time and delaying processes.

Pink antistatic bags are an ideal solution for transporting non-ESD sensitive items into an EPA. They are the only type of plastic bags recognized as suitable for use in an EPA. These bags do not generate or hold a triboelectric charge, while conventional plastic bags can generate and hold in excess of 10,000 volts, which is disastrous near static-sensitive electronics.

Material Composition

Pink antistatic bags are made from blow-moulded, low-density polyethylene (LDPE) containing an antistatic additive. The pink colour differentiates static control materials from standard packaging. This lightweight storage method allows non-ESD sensitive items into an EPA, as the bags do not generate a static charge.

Protection Level

While these bags effectively prevent static charge build-up, they do not shield against external electrostatic discharges. For ESD-sensitive items, such as circuit boards, a more robust solution such as our static shielding bags is recommended.


Pink antistatic bags hold items made from materials that create a triboelectric charge—a static charge generated by friction. When working with ESD-sensitive components or equipment, it is best practice to store essential items such as manuals, bolts, screws, plastic clips, or casings in pink antistatic bags.

Our range of pink antistatic bags includes grip seal (re-closable) and open-top formats in various sizes designed for any application.

For more information, click the product images below or contact a member of our sales team.

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